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Development of packaging machinery industry in 2021 from the perspective of packaging machinery output in 2020

  According to the data of the National Bureau of statistics, from January to November 2020, the national output of special packaging equipment was 239574 units, a year-on-year increase of 8%, of which the output in November was 26033 units, a year-on-year increase of 17.4%.
  As can be seen from the above table, since this year, the output of domestic packaging machinery and equipment has gradually picked up. In addition to being greatly affected by the epidemic at the beginning of the year, the output has shown a positive growth year-on-year since April. Although the output in December has not been released, as of November, the output in 2020 has exceeded that in 2019, reflecting that the enterprise has successfully stepped out of the impact of the epidemic and restored the normal production rhythm. In addition, it also reflects the increasing popularity of domestic packaging machinery. Especially driven by the epidemic, many manufacturing enterprises begin to realize the importance of automation and intelligent manufacturing, and the demand for packaging machinery is further expanded.
  As a supporting industry in many fields of the national economy, there are a wide variety of packaging machinery and equipment on the market. According to the product status, there are liquid, block, granular, paste, body fitting, electronic combined scale packaging and pillow packaging machine; According to the packaging function, there are inner packaging and outer packaging machines; According to the packaging industry, there are food, daily chemical, textile and other packaging machines; According to the packaging station, there are single station and multi station packaging machines; According to the degree of automation, there are semi-automatic and full-automatic packaging machines.
  For different industrial enterprises, supporting packaging machinery and equipment suitable for their own industrial field is equivalent to having invisible “packaging employees”. TA can perform various complicated and boring packaging operations at any time. The packaging effect is efficient and high-quality, showing unlimited “hard core strength”. Therefore, packaging machinery and equipment can be “employed” in major industries and generally recognized by the market and users.
  Therefore, in the long run, with the national policy support and the gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend, and the manufacturers' conscious reduction of their dependence on labor, the development of the packaging machinery industry can be expected in 2021. However, it is worth mentioning that at present, except China, most major economies are still deeply affected by the epidemic, and will still face the risks and challenges of insufficient external demand and supply chain interruption in the short term.
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